Mr Issah Mohammed, Founder & Programme Director of TIIDAA – Tourism and Investment Initiative for Developing Agriculture in Africa

About Our Founder

Right from his childhood, he has passion in cattle farming and develop interest in cattle business. He grew up from a cattle home because his grand-father own a large number of cattle at Winneba where cattle rearing and nomadism is their culture known as Fulani in tribe. His uncle also has a large number of cattle like over one thousand herds and he also own part of the cattle as well.

Sequel to his passion for livestock rearing /farming which he grew up with, and was well adapted to it, from the cattle home and environment, which culminated into his deep love and passion for cattle farming, maintenance and management.

Mr Mohammed went to Al . Nasiriya Islamic  Institute  between  1988 to  1990, after which he proceeded to  ,Asem Boys Primary  School, at Kumasi  between 1991 to 1997 and JHS at the  Asem Boys  JHS  between  1998  to  2001,.He  furthered his education  at the SHS {kings  College, Kumasi between 2002  to 2005}. He  later  went  for his tertiary education  at the Adams Cattle Ranching , Care &  Management  Institute,  at the Bono – East Region between 2007  to 2010, after which he ventured into cattle farming  practise.

Mr Issah Mohammed is the programme director of TIIDAA – Tourism and Investment Initiative for Developing Agriculture in Africa with a unique passion for cattle farming and ranching system development in Africa. Mr Mohammed is the founder of the TIIDAA Organization and he also owns other enterprise like Sharperbirds Consulting, Digitent Ventures and Property Mongers .He is also the Director of Operations in the company called Deishinni Art and Multimedia LTD and also  a director  at two sister association called, The Indigenous farmers association of Ghana and Cattle farmers Network.

He was able to acquire 1000 acres of land from the traditional chief for the purposes of the project.

His focus, however, is the bettering and improvement of the existing practise in cattle farming,  transforming into modern, latest and contemporary methods, hence the advanced and a unique project initiated by him titled the Cattle Village Project which seek to address all the related problems of the traditional practises with a consistent view of transforming into modern and latest practice, for the purposes of accelerated development as well as curbing and forestalling the lingering problem subsisting between the cattle farmers and crop farmers that has claimed countless lives and properties between its inception and now. As such, he maintains a tenacious approach and attitude at the running and management of the project, part of which has necessitated the scheduled German – tourism adventure along with registered cattle farmers who identify with TIIDAA.

He also initiated a project titled YADA { Youth in Agriculture for Development in Africa}. By encouraging youth in farming.

Mohammed Issah has also successfully facilitated the writing of book for cattle herdsmen titled Alidu and the cow. This book contains a lot of resourceful knowledge and information about the necessity to upgrade the traditional method of ranching and thus step up to a more advance and modern method for a raid and sustainable growth and development. This book will also sensitise them, about the need to send their children for knowledge acquisition, information and enlightment with the prospect of better future for the entire ranching practice.

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