Co-founder, Mr Issah

TIIDAA Organization To Launch the Cattle Village Project to Support Cattle Rearing Among the Youths in Ghana

The Cattle Village Project, an initiative of TIIDA Organization is on course to launch a planned facility project towards licensed livestock farming that will be based in the Amantin district of Bono East Region, of Ghana. The organization has done detailed market research and feasibility studies and was able to secure a thousand acres of land to build our cattle ranch and start the cattle-rearing project.

The Cattle Village Project, a cattle ranch/cattle rearing operation, shall be up to standard and shall be involved in the commercial breeding of cows. The project shall also be involved in boarding services, breeding services, dairy support services, livestock health services, farrier services, and shearing services as well.

The project will also have a meat processing plant and milk processing plant and also start exporting our products to other parts of the neighbouring African countries like Burkina, Coté D’Ivoire, Togo, Benin, Niger and Nigeria at large world.

The Organization is currently working with local and international investors to commence the first phase of the project which will include the following:


  1.  Fencing of 1000 Acre site with Gauze wire
  2. Cattle Grazing areas / Cattle reserve food
  3. Cattle Housing / Pen
  4. Cattle farmer’s Residential Houses
  5. Veterinary
  6. Cattle Market / Fair
  7. Cattle Grass Innovation Center
  8.  Children’s School
  9. Cattle Farmers Training Institute
  10. Cattle Slaughter House/Abbatoir
  11. Mini Mall
  12. Milking Site / Dairy 🥛

Phase 1 of the project shall commence in the first quarter of 2024 and shall complete the second quarter of 2026; and, shall focus on the construction of the above facilities.


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Executives of TIIDAA Organization Visits the National Chief Imam of Ghana

TIDAA Organization’s Program’s Director, Mr Issah Mohammed along with other key members of the organization paid visits to the National Chief Imam, Sheikh Dr Osmanu Nuhu Sharubutu. The team discussed the work of TIDAA and how it can help in the improving progress of cattle and crop farms in various parts of the country.

The National Chief Imam is regarded as one of the top religious leaders in Ghana, enhancing the growth and development of Islam in Ghana, promoting national development and ensuring peaceful co-existence of all religious groups in Ghana.

The National Chief Imam praised the team for their initiatives, encouraging them to develop ways and means to improve cattle farming among most of the Islamic folks and help them grow their enterprises.


TIIDAA Organization Develops Strategic Alliance with Helping Hands International for Mutual Programs Support and Cooperation

The Director of Programs, Mr Issah Mohammed right standing left with the executive officer of Helping Hands International. TIIDAA Organization attended an official meeting organized with Helping Hands International. At the end of the meeting, TIIDAA fostered a collaboration to work together to develop humanitarian initiatives to support local farmers, rural folks and cattle farmers in Ghana.

Peace Building Program for Farmers

Executives of TIDAA Visits Warring Cattle Rearing Rural Community in Ghana to Foster Peace

In an effort to help settle the disputes between cattle farmers, the team at the TIIDAA Organization went through the community of Amantin District Bono East / Agogo in Ghana and took notice of the challenges and the disastrous effects of the local conflict.

The local headmen are usually in charge of taking care of cattle belonging to members of the community of people investing in animal farming.

Conflicts between local tribes among the headsmen not only go a long way to deteriorate the peaceful harmony in the local community of animal farming community in the northern part of the country but also affect the lives of animals. In view of that, the team of TIIDA visited the rural community in the north of Ghana, reviewing the community disputes that led to the death of animals.

Capacity Building Project for Farmers

TIIDAA Peace Broking between Community Chiefs and Headsmen

One of the objectives of the TIDAA Organization is the facilitation of sustainable peaceful co-existence and cooperation among our cattle farmers and crop farmers.

In the achievement of these objectives, we scout through rural communities of the country of Ghana, look out for where there are tribal or community conflicts that affect the productivity of both crop and cattle farms and find ways to ensure there is peace.

To help resolve the community conflict between local cattle headsmen in Amantin District Bono East / Agogo of Ghana of the rural areas, the executives of TIIDAA Organization with some other key community leaders met with community chiefs and the warring communities, developing amicable solutions to bring peace to the disputes causing deaths to animals, humans and other people in the local community.

Conflict Between Farmers and herdsmen

Executives of TIDAA Organization Visits Warring Cattle Rearing Community of Amantin District Bono East / Agogo of Ghana, Takes Notice of Death of Animals as a Result of the Conflict

In our efforts to bring peace to the warring cattle-rearing community in Amantin District Bono East / Agogo of Ghana, we had an executive meeting at TIIDAA, and sent some delegates to the area, who were also involved in having a meeting with the community chiefs and the warring headsmen, finding ways and means to settle disputes in the area.

Upon visitation, TIDAA team oversaw the community, looking at the carnage and took overview of the event, meeting with the elders of the community and warring parties to find ways to resolve the community conflict among the herdsmen and others.